McCoy College of Business Assurance of Learning
Welcome to the McCoy College of Business Administration Assurance of Learning web site. The links above will direct you to general Assurance of Learning information and specific assessments conducted for the undergraduate Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
Assessment of student learning outcomes is faculty driven and faculty administered in the McCoy College. The primary goal of all assessment efforts in the College is the continuous improvement of student learning. Assessment information is available to all faculty, college committees, administrators or other constituents who are stakeholders in the improvement of curriculum content or delivery leading to increased student learning and development.
The McCoy College Assurance of Learning Committee is composed of representatives from all departments in the College and the associate dean for undergraduate programs. It is responsible for measuring of student learning in the BBA program. The McCoy College Curriculum Committee represents the McCoy College and individual departments and is responsible for all curricular modifications and changes to undergraduate common core courses. Assurance of learning directly measures student learning performance in the classroom through course-embedded assessments and indirectly measures perceptions of student learning through surveys of alumni, graduating seniors, employers and faculty.
Assessment in the McCoy College is NOT the evaluation of faculty performance in the classroom; it measures the aggregate level of student learning of curricular goals.